Masamichi Yamada
Head of Sanpo Zen
Chairman of Itoki Co.
Born in Manchuria in 1940, Masamichi became a disciple of Yasutani Roshi at the age of 16 and was dismissed by Yamada Koun Roshi in 1978.
In 1985, he succeeded to the Dharma of Master Ko'un in the Sanpo Order (now Sanpo Zen) as an official teacher.
In October 2004, he became Head of Sanpo-Kyodan (now Sanpo-Zen).
1964 Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Economics, and joined Mitsubishi Bank (now Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Ltd.).
1969 Graduated from Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration (MBA)
2000- Senior Managing Director, The Bank of Mitsubishi Corporation (now The Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.)
2002- Chairman and Representative Director of Mitsubishi Securities Co.
2007 to present - Chairman and Representative Director of Itoki Co.
<Other Activities>
Chairman, Tokyo Kenbikyoin Foundation
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Medical Corporation "Heart and Body Genki Plaza"