【プレスリリース】「AI時代の生きがい」「水のように生きる」「禅とパーパス経営」 禅とマインドフルネスの国際カンファレンス Zen2.0 2023 全プログラムが確定
English is shown below. 禅とマインドフルネス・先端科学の国際カンファレンス『Zen2.0』。
藤田 一照 (曹洞宗僧侶 )
横田 南嶺 (臨済宗円覚寺派管長 )
前野 隆司 (慶應義塾大学)
サティシュ・クマール (平和活動家、Schumacher College創始者)
ももえ (Zen Eating 代表)
三宅 陽一郎 (ゲームAI開発者、東京大学)
荻野 淳也 (MiLI代表)
茂木 健一郎 (脳科学者)
伊藤 穰一 (千葉工業大学)
有本 奈緒美 (ネイリスト、社会活動家、起業家、Plumeria Nail代表)
鬼木 基行 (プライムプラネットエナジー&ソリューションズ(株)
和 真音(一般社団法人シンギング・リン協会代表理事)
原田 友美(イエナプランスクール大日向小学校グループリーダー)
工藤 煉山(尺八演奏家)
小笠原 和葉(ボディーワーカー/臨床身体学研究者) 藤野 正寛(NTT コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 リサーチスペシャリスト)
宮崎 姿菜子(太極拳研究家/気功整体療法士)
鎌田 東二(京都大学名誉教授)
水野 みち(株式会社日本マンパワー)
二木 あい(フリーダイバー・水族表現家)
プログラムの詳細は https://www.zen20.jp/ を御覧ください。
伊藤穣一さん x 藤田一照さん x 茂木健一郎さん
有本奈緒美さん x 二木あいさん
SHIHOさん x 藤田一照さん
Joan Halifax老師 (ジョアン・ハリファックス) x 荻野淳也さん
前野隆司さん x 山田匡通さん
Satish Kumar(サティシュ・クマール)さん x 鎌田東二 さん
世界のいたる所に顕在化している分断や対立だけでなく、地球温暖化の問題や大手テック企業での大量解雇、AI技術の加速度的な進展など、時代のスピードは加速し、変化の大波が明らかに迫っています。そのような環境下だからこそ、私たち一人ひとりがしっかりと本来の自分を見つめ、大切なコアの価値観(Source)に繋がり、水源から湧き出る泉が川となって流れるように、そこからのエネルギーで自然な流れ(Flow)が創り出され、私たちのコミュニティ・社会・地球の中でそれぞれのパーパスに繋がったアクションに繋がり(Alignment)、広い海へと循環・浸透してゆく。 今年のZen2.0では、その想いを「Be like Water ~Souece, Flow, Alignment~」という言葉に込めました。
禅語に「一滴潤乾坤(いってきけんこんをうるおす) 」という言葉があります。一滴の水が大地を潤し、樹木草花を育み、緑に輝く地球を作りあげている大いなる循環。ひとしずくの水滴が、循環の水脈につながっているという事実は、世界がどう変化しようとも、古来から今も変わりません。私たち一人ひとりが、自分の思考や感情・身体との関係を深めることで、この「ひとしずくの力」に気づき、内面から湧き出る力と世界を繋げ、変化と加速の時代を水のように、自由自在に生きてゆく。今年のZen2.0では、この本質への気づきを深め、共に語り合える場をつくっていきます。
早割:23,000円 (8月19日まで)
早割:8,800円 (8月19日まで)
Zen2.0は、先端テクノロジーと禅の精神性の融合を目指し、2017年以来、北鎌倉・建長寺を舞台に毎年開催されている国際カンファレンスです。今年で7回目の開催となります。登壇者は、ヨーロッパ・北米・アジアなど世界各国から参加し、日本語と英語の同時通訳で参加できます。 これまで、のべ登壇者数165名・のべ協賛企業70社・のべ参加者数3,000名・コミュニティ4,200の規模に拡大しています。 "IKIGAI inspired Transformation in the AI era," "Living Like Water," "Zen and Purpose Management"
We are pleased to announce this year's full program and the list of distinguished speakers!
1. Speakers (in no particular order, titles omitted)
Issho Fujita (Soto Zen priest)
Nanrei Yokota (President of Enkakuji School of Rinzai Zen Buddhism)
Joan Halifax (Zen monk and medical anthropologist,PhD)
Takashi Maeno (Keio University Professor)
Satish Kumar (Peace activist, founder of Schumacher College)
Momoe (President, Zen Eating)
Yoichiro Miyake (Game AI developer, University of Tokyo)
Junya Ogino (President, MiLI)
Kenichiro Mogi (Brain Scientist)
Joichi Ito (Chiba Institute of Technology)
Naomi Arimoto (Nailist, Social Activist, Entrepreneur, President of Plumeria Nail)
Motoyuki Oniki (Data Scientist, Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc.)
Mr. Stephen Murphy Shigematsu (Stanford University Psychologist)
Ms. Sion Kazu (Executive Director, Singing Ring Association)
Tomomi Harada (Group Leader, Ohinata Elementary School, Jenaplan School)
Lenzan Kudo (Shakuhachi player)
Kazuha Ogasawara (Bodyworker / Clinical somatic researcher)
Masahiro Fujino (Research Specialist, NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
SHIHO (Model)
Shinako Miyazaki (Taichi researcher/Qigong bodywork therapist)
Toji Kamata (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
Michi Mizuno (Japan Manpower Co., Ltd.)
Ai Futaki(Free Diver/Aquatic Expressionist)
OBA (Dancer, Model, Gardener)
2. Program Outline _ Please see https://www.zen20.jp/ for program details
Featured Talks and Experiential Sessions
◯ "Ikigai inspired Transformation in the AI Era" (tentative title) Joi Ito x Issho Fujita x Ken Mogi
With the rapid development of AI worldwide, will Japan pursue the path of efficiency and expansion by utilizing AI? In this session, we will explore the possibility of a new Japan-originated IKIGAI (ikigai) through a dialogue between two people who know cutting-edge technologies and Zen monk Kazuteru Fujita, who will talk about the possibility of "IKIGAI without expansion" to live with AI.
◯ "Living like water" (tentative title)
Naomi Arimoto and Ai Futaki
Dialog between Naomi Arimoto, and Ai Futaki, who are beautiful examples of living life like the water – Naomi was diagnosed with a incurable disease that left her disabled but has used her experience to support women with disabilities as well as work for environmental causes, cleaning the microplastics on the beach and reusing them in her nail salon. Ai Futaki is a free diver and aquatic photographer, that is passionate about telling the story of the underwater. They will share their journey of "living like water" naturally and gracefully, even when facing difficulties in life.
◯ "Back to the Beginner’s Mind - Zen (Tentative title)
SHIHO and Issho Fujita
SHIHO, who is active as a model and actress and has recently published books on yoga and meditation, and Issho FUJITA, who knows the potential of Zen on a global level from his 17 years of experience teaching Zen in English at a Zendo in Massachusetts, USA, as a resident priest after training in Japan. They will explore the Zen experience through dialogue and practical instruction.
◯"Dialog on Taking Action for Social Change ” (Tentative title)
Joan Halifax and Junya Ogino
A dialogue between Joan Halifax, a world leader in compassion and socially engaged Buddhism, and Junya Ogino, a pioneer in spreading mindfulness in Japanese society. The theme is "Dialogue on Taking Action for Social Change”. The two will discuss how they have lead their way as the flow of water, for the social change they want to see in the world. And how we can be like water to work towards our greater goals for humanity.
◯ "Mindfulness, Zen and Purpose driven leadership" (tentative title)
Takashi Maeno and Masamichi Yamada
A dialog between Professor Takashi Maeno of Keio University, a leading researcher on happiness and wellbeing, and Mr. Masamichi Yamada, chairman of Itoki Corporation, (and who has had many prominent leadership roles in his life) who has practiced Zen since childhood and is the headmaster of Sanpo-Zen, Zen sect spreading throughout the world. They will explore the possibility of Purpose driven leadership based on mindfulness and Zen can help corporations achieve performance as well as employee wellbeing.
◯"What Water Can Teach Us" (tentative title)
Satish Kumar and Toji Kamada
Satish Kumar, environmental activist with deep insights into the spiritual world and nature beliefs, and Toji Kamada, a professor emeritus at Kyoto University and an expert on Shinto and other traditional Japanese beliefs and philosophies, will discuss water environmental issues from both ecological and philosophical perspectives including the viewpoint of ancient Shinto teachings. At the intersection of global issues and ancient wisdom, this dialogue is a must-see to explore the path to a sustainable future.
3. Event Outline
With the great turbulence of this year, the impact of ChatGPT and events happening around the globe, mass layoffs in the Tech companies, and ongoing division and conflict in the world, we may be sensing more and more that times are accelerating, that a great wave of change is coming.
In these times, it is important for each one of us to establish a firm connection to our true self and our important core values (Source). And, just as spring water flows to form a stream, the energy from our Source creates a constant, natural flow (Flow) that connects us to our respective paths and points the way to align with our greater purpose in our communities, in society, and on the Earth. (Alignment). This year's Zen 2.0 theme, "Be like Water: Source – Flow – Alignment" expresses this idea.
There is a Zen saying, "A drop of water moistens the earth.” A drop of water can moisten the earth, nurture trees, plants, and flowers, and create the green earth. No matter how the world changes, the image of a single drop of water connected to a vein and circulating throughout the world has remained unchanged since ancient times. By deepening our relationship with our thoughts, feelings, and bodies, each of us can become aware of this "power of a drop of water," and connect the world with the power that flows from within, enabling us to live freely and without restriction, like water, in this age of change and acceleration.
At this year's Zen 2.0, we will to deepen our awareness of this essence and create a space of dialogue together.
4.Date and Venue
September 2 (Sat.) - 3 (Sun.), 2023
@Kenchoji Temple, Kitakamakura & online
5. Ticket Information
Tickets are now on sale at the official Zen2.0 website. Don't miss out on the special "early bird" discount, which will be on sale until August 19!
<Real Participation Ticket>
Regular: \28,000 / Early Bird: \23,000 (until August 19) / Student discount:\ 9,000
<Online Ticket>
Regular: \12,000 / Early Bird: \8,800 (until August 19)/ Student discount:\ 4,400
*Both tickets are sold for the entire two-day event.
*Ticket holders will be able to view the video archive at a later date.
【About Zen2.0 (a general incorporated association organized by Zen2.0)】 https://www.zen20.jp/
Zen2.0 is an international conference that has been held annually since 2017 at Kenchoji Temple in North Kamakura, aiming to fuse cutting-edge technology and Zen spirituality. This year will be the seventh time the event has been held. Speakers will come from all over the world, including Europe, North America, and Asia, and will be available with simultaneous interpretation in Japanese and English. To date, the conference has grown to 165 speakers, 70 sponsors, 3,000 participants, and 4,200 community members.