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AIxZen: What is "Human Intelligence"? Kenichiro Mogi, Joichi Ito, Yoichiro Miyake and other AI experts gathered at Kenchoji Temple in Kamakura!


AIx禅 「人間の知性」とはなにか?茂木健一郎氏・伊藤穰一氏・三宅陽一郎氏らのAI専門家が鎌倉・建長寺に集結!

AIx禅 「人間の知性」とはなにか?茂木健一郎氏・伊藤穰一氏・三宅陽一郎氏らのAI専門家が鎌倉・建長寺に集結


 今年は、ChatGPTに代表される生成AIが急速に発達し、人類にとってターニングポイントとなる年となりました。Zen2.0 2023のテーマは「BE LIKE WATER 〜Souece, Flow, Alignment〜」。変化が加速する時代において、生成AIの急速な開発がもたらす社会へのインパクトや、「人間の知性」とはなにか?人間の在るべき姿とは何か?について、ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所で脳研究や生成AIに関しての研究を行っていらっしゃる茂木健一郎氏、さらにMITメディア・ラボで人工知能などの最先端のテクノロジーに関わり、この7月から千葉工業大学学長に就任された伊藤穰一氏を迎え、対談を通じて探求していきます。


 また上記以外にも、日本だけではなく海外からも多くの登壇者を招聘し、きたるべきAI時代に人間に求められるものは何かというテーマを仏教的な視点からの対話を通じて明らかにしてまいります。 AIxZen What is "Human Intelligence"? Kenichiro Mogi, Joichi Ito, Yoichiro Miyake and other AI experts gather at Kenchoji Temple in Kamakura

Leading brain researchers and artificial intelligence developers will be invited to discuss "AI and Human Intelligence" from a Buddhist perspective.

 This year marks a turning point for humanity with the rapid development of generative AI represented by ChatGPT, and the theme of Zen2.0 2023 is "BE LIKE WATER -Souece, Flow, Alignment. In an era of accelerating change, we will discuss the social impact of the rapid development of generative AI, what is "human intelligence," and what is the ideal state of human beings? What is "human intelligence"? We will explore these questions in a dialogue with Mr. Kenichiro Mogi, who conducts research on the brain and generative AI at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, and Mr. Joichi Ito, who has been involved in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence at the MIT Media Lab and was appointed president of the Chiba Institute of Technology in July. In addition to the above, we will also have a panel discussion with Joichiro Ito, who has been involved in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence at MIT Media Lab.

 In addition, Yoichiro Miyake, who has been involved in AI development from the perspective of "the relationship between physicality and AI" and from Western and Eastern philosophical perspectives in the field of game AI development in the game industry, will join us to discuss AI and physicality in depth.

 In addition to the above, many speakers from Japan and abroad will be invited to discuss the theme of what is required of human beings in the coming age of AI from a Buddhist perspective.

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